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Daylily Wayside Green Imp

Klehm-Elsley 1987. 22″-24″ scapes with 5″ blooms. Dormant. Tetraploid. Fragrant. Rebloomer.  Shell pink self with a green throat. When we first bought this in the early 80s it was sold as Wayside Greenlamp. It was not registered and it posed a mystery to us that these two hybridizers, working together, could register so many “Waysides” and no “Greenlamp”. That’s because it was Wayside Green Imp. Back in that time plant and bulb companies were importing from Europe and computerization was kicking in. Mistakes were accepted instead of being tracked down. For a while we sold it out of the garden on request but didn’t pot any but now that people see it more, the shell pink color leads to sales.


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