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Peony Green Halo

Roy G. Klehm, 1999. An interesting peony for certain! Green guard petals, stacked with irregularly shaped white petals and petaloids with bright yellow stamens in the center of each bloom but a standout because of the shape and arrangement of the petals and petaloides. 6.0″ to 6.5″ blooms, most say unscented, some say “subtle fragrance” (George can’t tell). 30-32″ tall plant with 1-2 buds per stem. Blooms hold for considerable time. Make an excellent cut flower with medium green foliage. There is a specimen in our pollinator garden at the bottom of the large daylily propagation field, lower left corner, on the outside of the fence after the last flood. None available for 2025. More should be ready in 2026.

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