Hosta Robert Frost
Bill & Eleanor Lachman, 1988. A large, blue-green hosta with a creamy white edge turning white in summer. 30″ scapes with white flowers. Eunice Fisher Distinguished Merit Award 2009. ‘Banana Sundae’ X ‘Frances Williams’. Frost was a friend and neighbor of the Lachmans. Many people thought he was a Vermonter as he spent time in Ripton, Vt up towards Breadloaf Mountain. George enjoys Frost’s poetry and quotes it at times in his own writing. If you are up Ripton/Middlebury way there’s a very nice interactive trail off Route 125 with several of Frost’s poems along the way. The popularity of Lachman hosta, even though they are older hybrids, and the name Robert Frost sell this one without trouble. None available here until 2026.