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Hosta Montana Aureomarginata $24

Fumio Maekawa 1940/AHS 1987. Is a H. montana sport. Large, glossy green, pointed leaves, edged with wide, yellow margins. Benefits from a location with some sunlight. One of the earlier hostas to break ground in the spring so sometimes frost is an issue. 36″ tall scape with tight clusters of pale lavender, almost white flowers. Grows quite upright and impressively large. I once saw a very mature specimen at a nursery outside Rutland, Vermont. It was used as a centerpiece of a circular garden. It had been growing there for years and had been well cared for. One year I stopped by to ask the owner if I could take pictures and it was gone. The story was interesting in that a collector visited every year asking to buy it and the owner said no. One year he asked for a ridiculous-to-him price and was instructed to get the backhoe.

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