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Hosta Emerald Tiara $19

Walters Gardens 1988. Golden Scepter sport. A small-sized hosta, 15″ tall,  4″ X 3″ flat, round leaves, gold centers, green margins. 28″ tall scapes, lots and lots of dark purple flowers with white veining. This is the reverse of H. Golden Tiara. Is a vigorous clumper and as such it works well in mass plantings. We use the Tiaras when starting new hosta gardens for customers who want lots of large and extra large hostas that will take longer to get established. Planting any of the Tiaras in between fills the gardens in while waiting for the big plants to catch up. Photo from Walters. Note: Limited availability in 2025.   Most of the tiaras are readily available from a variety of other sources.


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