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Hosta Elegans $24

Georg Arends/Nils Hylander/AHS 1987. For the hundreds and hundreds of this hosta we have sold, one would think we could be accurate with the name and heritage. Not quite correct. Here’s a nice summary of the problem as written on “Use of the name ‘Elegans’, though widespread, is technically incorrect. The name ‘Elegans’ was originally given to a hybrid created by Arends, which was called ‘Robusta’.  Today the name is used for a variety of different blue sieboldiana-type plants which have been grown from seed in the days before tissue culture. Currently two different plants are propagated – the blue forms of ‘Frances Williams’ and ‘Great Expectations’.  “Elegans” should be considered a general name for these plants, and not that of a specific cultivar. In preparation for his book The Genus Hosta, W. George Schmid once tried to track down the original plant from Arends, but was able only to narrow it down to five growing in two locations in Germany.” So-o-o-o-o a very large hosta,  blue-green leaves, quilted, bluest in early season, deeply impressed veins, and pale lavender flowers carried just above the leaves. Is said to prefer high filtered light. In our hosta display garden we planted three 6 quart pots the first year under the huge willows. Now 12 years later, customers and visitors to that garden often ask the name because the plants are so big. The lighting must be perfect because they are huge. Note: During the floods of 2024 and 2025 the area where these specimens are growing was under 30 feet of water. Some parts of the plants were washed away, but enough remained to be making a comeback. Ask George to show you the current plants.

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