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Hosta Christmas Tree $24

Kevin Vaughn/Mildred Seaver 1982.  (‘Beatrice’ X ‘Beatrice’) X ‘Frances Williams’. Wide, heart shaped, deep green leaves, nice creamy white edges. Corrugated.  Pyramidal habit, hence shape of a Christmas tree….and the white edge… snow on the tree.  Heavily corrugated. Pale lavender flowers in late June. Shade to half sun. Looks best after 3 years. Three progeny that we grow are Brave Amherst, Spring Fling and Warwick Comet. Brave Amherst is not available again until 2026, Spring Fling and Warwick Comet are available now in limited numbers. There is a mature clump of Christmas Tree in the front, lower level  of our display garden. It’s been there for ten years and it deserves a look as the edge widens over time and grow creamier. Seeing is believing!

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