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Hosta Bottom Line

Winterberry Farms/Jim Anderson 2003.  Similar to Sum It Up and Lady Isobel Barnett. A Sum and Substance sport but with a dark green center and a variable, wide gold edge. Over time as more hostas reach the market, similar hostas that resulted from tissue culture will gain more scrutiny and these similarities will get sorted out. We experienced this with Sagae sports including Liberty, Majesty and Ivory Coast and since then Clifford’s Forest Fire has been added to that list. In 2005, we had Sum and Substance planted in a garden that bordered Peacham Pond Road by our home. Lady Isobel Barnett was planted in the same garden at the end of a walkway. I walked the stone steps several times every day during the summer when we operated our business at our house. Bottom Line was the first to make me question what I was seeing. I moved that plant when we moved our business so it’s still available to see and compare. That plant will not be available for sale. Photo taken by the originator, Jim Anderson in 2003 as it appears online at

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