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Daylily Lime Frost

Stamile 1990. 28″-30″ tall scapes. 5.5″ blooms, creamy white blend with a green throat. It sparkles! Now here’s something important about “white” daylilies. Stuart Kendig from Pennsylvania did a lot of work classifying white daylilies into 5 groups. His work is detailed in the Winter 2021 issue of The Daylily Journal. The first group are described as “Very White, and whiter than Gentle Shepherd (Yancy 1980) and Group 2.” If you know Gentle Shepherd you begin to get an idea of what is strived for. Lime Frost, Stamile 1990, is a Group 3 white Tetraploid. so less white than Gentle Shepherd in Group 2. Gardeners ask for “pure” white daylilies all the time…..but….so far…..there are few out there…so few I can’t name one yet….and neither can Mr. Kendig.


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