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Peony Philomele $34

Registration taken from the American Peony Society Registry.

“Anemone type; medium size; early. Guards dark old-rose, collar of narrow buff petals. Develops a wide-spreading crown same color as guards; fragrant. Average height; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. An excellent garden subject.”

Note: Several years ago, a regular customer from many years ago called. His wife had passed away and he wanted to give us many of his flowers as he could no longer care for them the way his wife did. Peonies, roses, lilacs–hundreds of plants were available but it was July and not the best time to move plants so I just took the peonies. The man’s wife did not like name labels in her gardens and the man remembered the peonies as one each of many colors. I knew it would take some time to sort them out but moved them to our farm. Turned out this is what they all looked like. About 25 of the same peony. I finally got some help on the name as no one around here was familiar with it.  It’s a beauty! But….I am still not sure the name is correct. Buy it as it is and if you know the real name ????? please let me know.



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