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Daylily Rooten Tooten Red

Klehm, unregistered but more recently grown under some renaming by various growers and companies. Originally recorded as 18″, 24″ even 26″ tall but factually the scapes are 30″-32″ tall once established. The blooms are 5″ and are lighter than our picture–more of a fire engine red as the sun rises and the color fades a bit. Dormant. Tetraploid. Fragrant. A Mid-Season grower with bountiful blooms once established.  Looks great when tall purple and blue companion plants are proximate to them. They even provide a nice accent to single-flowered hollyhocks. We have a row in our lower propagation field by the hosta display garden and when the RTR is at its peak, it’s a solid color. When the peak is reached, the color turns off like a light switch has been thrown and we miss the display.


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